AIM - Banner mit bunten Blüten aus Hawai

Information in English - summary of  our treatment methods


Aloha-Institute Munich - Germany

Mental Healing for Humans and Animals



We can offer the following treatment methods

for individual clients or for client groups.


Moreover we also offer seminars, presentations and/or ceremonies, where ever in this wide world we ar asked to do so.


  Have you ever married on Hawaii?

  Do you want a seminar family constellation right at your place?

  Are you interested in professional training in psycho-kinesiology for animals?

  You long to develop your psychic perception?


Contact us - we can do it for you !    

> Contact us by e-mail


Dr. August and Sabina Rueggeberg - Munich






Our treatment methods:


  Psycho-Kinesiology with systemic orientation


  Hawaiian Huna Healing


  Family- and System Constellations,

Partner and Communication Therapy


  Psychometry, Training of psychic perception


  Psychological allergy treatment according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt


  Kinesiological support for the elimination of heavy metals

and replacement of Amalgam fillings


  Psycho-Kinesiology and Family Constellations for Animals with

behavioural problems or psychosomatic diseases


  Systemic Astrology - Family Constellation on the horoskop wheel


  Flower-, Colour-, and Gem-Essences


  Astro Tuning Forks, Tibetan sound bowls

listening therapy according to Professor Tomatis


  Counseling and treetment by phone:

phone-kinesiology and animal communication




On this website you can find an English description of:

> Mental-Field-Therapy =MFT according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

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Visitenkarte des AIM - Aloha-Instituts München
Ihre Anmeldung zum Familienstellen, wenn es wirklich eilt
Anmeldung als freiwillige/r Stellvertreter/in bei Familienaufstellungen
Veranstaltungskalender Calendar of Events
Aktuelles Programm - Seminare - Themenabernde - Arbeitskreise
Unser Behandlungs-Angebot Psycho-Kinesiologie, Familien- aufstellungen für Menschen und Tiere, Hawaiian Huna-Healing, Tierkommunikation, Medialitäts- Training
Service-Seiten - Artikel und Hintergrundmaterial zum Download oder Ausdrucken
Anmeldung für Seminare - Behandlungen - Arbeitskreise
Anfahrt zum Aloha-Institut München
Zum Freuen - Just for Fun
Wir über uns
AIM - Information in English
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