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When the Music will play


Ein Text über die Inspiration durch Musik, Singen und Tanz


Nach der Melodie des alten germanischen Liedes

"Es führt über den Main eine Brücke von Stein"


A text on the inspiration by music, singing, and dancing  


Along the melody of the German song:

"Es führt über den Main eine Brücke von Stein"




When the Music will play  

it can show you your way.

If you follow its flow

you will know where to go

and your life shall be full of great joy. -


When the rhythm you will hear

then your mind can be clear

and you feel what to do

so that you will be you

and your life shall be full of great joy. -


And the words of your song

they can help you along.

Coming right from above

they will fill you with love

and your life shall be full of great joy. -


If for love you will ask

you'll be strong for your task.

People, dogs, birds, and plants

will support your advance

and your life shall be full of great joy. -


If you have to decide

let the music provide

you with steps that will be

for your future the key

and your life shall be full of great joy. -



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